Mentor Coaching Overview
What is Mentor Coaching (according to the ICF)?
- Coaching on your coaching
- by an ICF credentialed coach at or above your desired credential level
Roles in a Mentor Coaching Relationship
Mentor Coach - person providing coaching on your coaching
Mentee - person receiving the mentor coaching
Client - person being coached for the purposes of evaluating the Mentee/Coach’s coaching
How is Mentor Coaching done?
- Mentee records a coaching session with a Client
- Mentee and Mentor Coach separately review the recording to assess coaching behaviors and identify focus areas for the mentor coaching
- Mentor Coach and Mentee engage in a conversation about the coaching that includes
- Feedback
- Coaching for development
- Action planning for improved coaching
Who is a Mentor Coach?
Expert in coaching competencies, effective coaching behaviors, experience in delivering effective coaching, and understanding the human traits that support or hinder effective coaching.
Partner playing an equal role with the mentee in their development. In partnership you invite the mentee to create their own focus of learning, their own awareness, their own plans for improvement. In partnership, you share your expertise, observations, assessments, and feedback using a coaching approach designed to foster the learning and development of your menthe.
Interested in mentor coach training?
Georgetown’s Institute for Transformational Leadership (ITL) Mentor Coaching Fundamentals
8-week on-line class starts January 2015 - link to course details and registration
For More Information about Mentor Coaching
Association for Coach Training Organizations (ACTO),
Position Papers (available under the Resources tab)
"Choosing a Mentor Coach"
"Mentor Coaching Duties and Competencies"
"Recommended Practices to be an Excellent Mentor Coach"
Lees, Janet. "Mentoring and Supervision [Special Issue]." Choice Magazine Volume 10, no. 3 (September, 2012).
Sue’s Blog Posts -
Who Needs a Mentor Coach? September 2013
"Just the Facts" - about Mentor Coaching August 2014
Are you curious? About your own coaching? August 2014
For More Information about ICF Coaching Competencies
ICF Website - search for:
- Coaching Core Competencies
- Competencies Comparison Table for ACC, PCC and MCC
- PCC Competency Markers
Are you ready for a personal exploration of the ICF coaching competencies?
PCC Master Class - Sue’s small-group teleclass exploring the PCC level competencies
New Session starting in October 2014