Here are two of my favorite commercials:
Where's the Fence? (Hyundai football commercial) and What? How? (Whirlpool Washer/Dryer commercial).
I'm not endorsing either company, just acknowledging their clever use of Questions in their ads.
“What do you notice about your questions?”
It’s a simple question, really. We ask the students in the Georgetown Leadership Coaching Program to observe their questions and reflect on what they notice.
Hundreds of student coaches have written this paper over the years. I read through another batch just this morning, and was – again – delighted and inspired by what the students learn.
We assign this paper because it’s important for coaches to be aware of the questions they ask, the questions they avoid, and how the context impacts their questioning. This awareness is a foundation for moving into being thoughtful and artful in using questions in coaching conversations.
But the real learning is much deeper, varied, nuanced, and personal. This learning often comes as a surprise. The student becomes aware that how he/she asks questions is a reflection of how he/she sees the world and his/her place in it. And the “world” is their relationships, their role in workplace power dynamics, or their own master self-assessments, fundamental fears, deep passions. Their patterns of asking questions grow out of a lifetime of past experiences, culture and family relationships, and years of professional training.
To move into coaching is to leave behind one view of the world and embody another, in which you are someone who loves questions; who is confident asking questions that feel too probing and too personal; who can draw out deeper insight and meaning with just a question.
What are you noticing about your questions?